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About Us

The Examining Board of Natural Medicine Practitioners Inc. was established in 1998. Our Not-for-Profit Corporation #4138929 - The Examining Board of Natural Medicine Practitioners™ Canada grew out of the original Institution.  In keeping with our mission to safeguard the identity and services of our members, we established trademarked and protected titles used under the authority of The World Board of Natural Medicine.


In recent years, The Examining Board of Natural Medicine Practitioners™ Canada has functioned both as a Board and a Non-Legislated Healthcare Association for Natural Medicine Practitioners© and Practitioners of Natural Healing®. The EBNMP™ Canada Association registers members by the Province in which they practice, their educational level and scope of practice.


The World Board of Natural Medicine was founded in 2000 as per World Health Organization Alma-Ata 1962 declaration.

Scope of Practice, definition of modalities and protected titles all adhere to the standards of the World Board of Natural Medicine. Titles and Certification marks used remain under the Authority of WBNM and are issued only by The EBNMP™ Canada and EBNMP LLC.  No other organization, association or entity is authorized to issue our intellectual property without express written consent of the owner.  Persons under our authority must always include the Trademark reference.

eg. Doctorate of Natural Medicine® D.N.M.®


Please note that certificates issued to our members carry this clause:

Certificates remain the property of the EBNMP and must be surrendered when registration ceases or at the request of the disciplinary committee. EBNMP is not liable for errors or omissions of the practitioner. Registered Trademark under the authority of the World Board of Natural Medicine. EBNMP™ Canada is affiliated with the World Board of Natural Medicine. These trademarks are licensed solely by WBNM to the EBNMP. No other organization, association or entity is authorized to issue WBNM sanctioned trademarks without express written consent.

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